Monday, September 13, 2010

So someone told me yesterday when they read my blog they face-palm. My guess is that it's pretty directionless and full of random ramblings that aren't necessary aligned with what my priorities should be. I suppose I could fill it with interesting hand analysis' and graphs, but it's so much easier for me to just divulge whatever comes to my head creatively rather than brainstorm how I could make my blog more interesting or informative. Besides, I am one to disclose as little information about my game as possible, since any knowledge your opponents may have is power. That isn't to say I take myself too seriously. Just generally unless you're an extremely trusted confidante, are recognized being similar or more skilled than me, or are nicely seeking my advice, I will not discuss hand histories with you. I realize it's kind of cut throat, but poker is a zero sum game and good players generally want the field to stay as uninformed for as long as possible before they improve. Anyhow, I will try to find a balance.

Been trading at home for the past two weeks which means no trips to the poker room since then. I have, however, been playing some random WCOOPS and mFTOPS with a couple min-cash results but nothing too notable to mention. Trading is hella stressful tbh. I really need a more solid grasp of controlling my psyche and making sure to hold winning positions amidst the volatility, as well as to spend more time on analysis.

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